Sunday, June 14, 2009

Herb and Dorothy (Saturday, June 13, 2009) (63)

This is a super small documentary shot on videocam about an eccentric New York couple, Herbert and Dorothy Vogel, who worked blue-collar government jobs (he as a postal worker, she as a librarian) and got interested in the New York art scene in the mid-1960s as the Minimalist movement was getting going. They ended up amassing a tremendous art collection of New York-based artists from the '60's to the present day. They've bequeathed it to the National Gallery of Art (East Wing) in Washington and have moved much of it there already because the 3000+ pieces no longer fit in their rent-controlled one-bedroom New York rental apartment.

This is a nice movie about two funny, crotchety old Jews... it's not wonderful and not worth rushing out for... a nice video rental if you're looking for one, but it's totally missable too.

Stars: 1.5 or 2 of 4

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