Sunday, June 14, 2009

This is a blog about all the movies I watch

So after considering it for a long time, I've finally decided to start a blog about all the movies I watch. As far as I can plan, this will be a blog only about the movies I watch and not about other things that interest me, such as television, politics, college sports or anything else. I guess you could look at this as a monument to a lot of time and money spent or wasted; I would have a hard time denying that. I love watching movies. I love watching bad movies and good movies and stupid movies and brilliant movies. I love going to multiple movies in a day; I love watching movies in theaters; I love watching them at home.

I have seen 194 movies that were released in New York City in 2008 and I watched a total of 206 movies last year (which is to say I saw a bunch of movies released in 2008 this year - in 2009 - and a bunch of movies that were from other years too). To this point, I have seen 65 films released this year and a total of 120 films total this year (Venn-diagram-wise, there are some overlaps there)... So I'm going to start by mentioning the six movies I saw this weekend....

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